5 quick Tailwind CSS tips and a bunch of resources
Save yourself hours of refactoring with these tips and resources
If you're a Tailwind CSS user, you know it's hard to shut up about it. At least for me. I'm always happy to share my experience with it, so here are 5 quick tips and resources.
Use custom plugins
I came across a issue where I had to clamp a line of text. I created a local css style tag in my Vue file named .clamp and clamped the line to only show 1 row. Quickly I found myself copying the same clamp class but now for a five line piece of text. Repeating the code and only replacing one line. This is redundant and can be solved with a custom plugin. Here is the example code in my tailwind.config.js
module.exports = {
theme: {
lineClamp: {
1: 1,
5: 5,
plugins: [
plugin(({ addUtilities, theme, e, variants }) => {
const mappedClamp = Object.entries(theme('lineClamp')).map(
([key, value]) => {
return {
[`.${e(`clamp-${key}`)}`]: {
display: '-webkit-box',
'-webkit-box-orient': 'vertical',
'-webkit-line-clamp': `${value}`,
overflow: 'hidden',
addUtilities(mappedClamp, variants('lineClamp', []))
Now you can use clamp-1
or clamp-5
wherever you want. It's also really easy to add another clamp value in theme.lineClamp
. Learn more about using plugins.
Safari gradient that works
The gradient transparent option Tailwind provides doesn't work in Safari (at time of writing). If we have bg-gradient-to-r from-blue-600 to-transparent
we'll see a nice fading gradient in Chrome. But in Safari instead of fading we'll see a gray color. Luckily we can quickly fix this.
module.exports = {
theme: {
gradientColorStops: (theme) => ({
transparent: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.01)',
This will make transparent a black with an alpha channel so low ('0.01'), that it's practically transparent. Safari will now show a gradient that fades out instead of a gray color.
Use components over '@apply'
Use Tailwind CSS how it is intended. As an utility-first framework. If your app scales and you find yourself repeating classes, make a component over a reusable css class with @apply
<button class="btn btn--orange">orange button</button>
<button class="btn btn--blue">blue button</button>
.btn {
@apply px-3 py-2;
.btn--orange {
@apply bg-orange-400;
.btn--blue {
@apply bg-blue-400;
What if we want to reuse the orange button on another page? We have to extract the btn
and btn--orange
to a global css file or duplicate our css code. If your project really grows it's hard to understand where all css is located.
Instead of recreating different buttons we can create a button component which receives a prop that changes just a fraction of the css making it very re-useable and scaleable. For this example I'm using Vue.
class="px-3 py-2"
{ 'bg-blue-400': color === 'blue' },
{ 'bg-orange-400': color === 'orange' },
{{ color }} button
export default {
props: {
color: {
type: String,
required: true,
Now we have a BaseButton
component that keeps your code organized and is reusable. Let's change our index.vue
<base-button color="orange" />
<base-button color="blue" />
Use tailwind VS Code extensions
On of the arguments against Tailwind is that it clutters your html and makes the classes unreadable. A solution to this problem is Headwind. Headwind, like Stylelint does for normal css, sorts Tailwind classes in VS Code forcing an order. So mt-2 w-12 flex items-center
and flex w-12 mt-2 items-center
in the same project will be mt-2 w-12 flex items-center
twice. This makes your code consistent and saves you a lot of headaches.
Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
Unmissable is Tailwind CSS IntelliSense. It enhances your editor with autocomplete, syntax highlighting and linting.
Master margins
Maybe not a Tailwind specific tip, but relevant nonetheless. Try to be consistent with margins. Choose to use mt-
or mb-
consistently. Also make sure to have parent components place children. In the following example I only use mt-
to create space between the elements.
<h1>Title of the page</h1>
<card-list class="mt-4" />
<p class="mt-8">Some random text</p>
In the next example I like to use space-y-
on the outside element to indicate that all items inside will have an equal distance. Though not consistent with mt-
it saves repeating and is more declarative.
<div class="space-y-4">
<card-list-item />
<card-list-item />
<card-list-item />
Never add a margin on the outside element of a child component. Otherwise your component is not reusable or you'll spend frustrating time in figuring out where the margin of the card is coming from.
<div class="p-4 mx-12">Card</div>
Instead the CardList
we've shown before should take care of the margin.
Tailwind is a framework that makes our lives more easy and productive. I hope these tips added an extra cherry on top of that. If you have a tip yourself or a question, let me know. Happy building!
Other interesting resources
Tailwind UI - Why design and build yourself when the maintainers built it for you?
UI Devtools - A devtool that helps your style with Tailwind CSS in the browser.
Windy - A tool that let's you select elements in the browser and converts the styling to Tailwind CSS.