Hey, I'm Marten. Welcome to my website.
Better Developer Experience with function arguments as an object
Passing an object as an argument is easier to read when you use the function in other places. The function also gets the added benefit of more flexibility when editing as the order of the arguments doesn't matter anymore. In this small guide I'll show you why and how.
Improving accessibility with a skip-link
Accessibility is hard. You have to find the right balance between helping and not obstructing the browser defaults. When surfing a well structured page with a screenreader or the tab key you mostly start at the navigation. But what if the navigation is really long with a lot of links. That's a lot of tabbing. We can solve this with a simple 'skip-link'.
Currently I work at Belsimpel/Gomibo as a Front-End Developer. I'm building a React component library and modernizing our website.
Dungeons & Dragons
I really enjoy playing D&D. I started a campaign where I GM. I mostly like the storytelling and improvisation part of the game.